Cheetah Conservation Fund Reception, January 2016

The Cheetah Conservation Fund, Namibia

Founded in Namibia in 1990, the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) is the global leader in research and conservation of cheetahs.  CCF is dedicated to saving the cheetah in the wild.

The vast majority of wild cheetahs are outside protected areas, in areas populated by humans. Saving this magnificent animal from extinction requires innovative conservation methods that address the welfare of both cheetah and human populations over large landscapes. CCF has developed a set of integrated programs that work together to achieve this objective. CCF’s programs have effectively stabilized and even increased the wild cheetah population in Namibia.

CCF’s mission is to be the internationally recognized center of excellence in the conservation of cheetahs and their ecosystems. CCF will work with all stakeholders to develop best practices in research, education, and land use to benefit all species, including people.

CCF is an international non-profit organization headquartered in Namibia, with operations in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and partner organizations in several other nations.

Cheetah Conservation Fund Event

This was one of the most fantastic evenings Katie and I have experienced at our home!

In the beginning of January, 2016, shortly after we returned to South Africa from Botswana where I filmed a terrific experience as we watched a mother Cheetah teach her four offspring to hunt  (See my short video clip on 2013 Playlist  – blog and full Mashatu experience to follow) I received an email from Suzy Lucci at the Columbus Zoo asking if Katie and I would be interested in hosting a reception and educational evening for Brian Badger, Operations Manager of the Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia.  We jumped at the opportunity and had a lovely evening, with Brian sharing amazing tales of conservation, cooperation, and education in Namibia.

Please take the time to review the very informative website for The Cheetah Conservation Fund, particularly the introduction from Dr. Laurie Marker, Founder and Executive Director of CCF.

Dr. Laurie says:

“We’re a conservation organization working to combat the problems that afflict the human communities that live alongside cheetahs and threaten the cheetah as a species with extinction.”

Dr. Laurie Marker, Founder and Executive Director of CCF

Dr. Laurie Marker, Founder and Executive Director of CCF

“But we do all that we do for a single purpose – to win the race to save the cheetah. We’ve lost 90 percent of the world’s population of cheetahs in the last 100 years.”

We had a wonderful evening with friends, new and old, and learned from Brian Badger how import the mission of CCF.

Enjoy the photos below, and go to the CCF website if you feel moved to make a contribution to help support the important work the Cheetah Conservation Fund does in Namibia and indeed elsewhere in Africa.

Suzi Rapp

Columbus Zoo, Animal Programs Director

We are indebted to Suzy Rapp and the Columbus Zoo staff for giving us the opportunity to host such a wonderful evening on behalf of the Columbus Zoo and CCF.

Suzi Rapp was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. She is a graduate of Upper Arlington High School. She attended Ohio University and earned bachelor’s degrees in Health and Human Sciences and Education. She began her career at the Columbus Zoo over 29 years ago in the Education Department. While she was a part of this department she designed many of the Education programs still used at the zoo today. In 1987 she developed the Promotions Department to accommodate the demands of up and rising conservationist, Jack Hanna. During her time in this department she has raised over 200 animals.

She is currently the Director of the Animal Programs department where she coordinates all the animals that travel out of the zoo for Jack Hanna’s programs and community outreaches. Recently she has worked to develop the new exhibit, Animal Encounters Village that brings animals up close and personal with visitors at the Columbus Zoo. She was also a key person in bringing the new Joel Slaven Animals on Safari show to the zoo.

Suzi is an untiring ambassador for Cheetahs around the world.

Suzi Rapp with Jungle Jack Hanna

Suzi Rapp with Jungle Jack Hanna

Photo Galery

Below are a few photos of the evening.  Just click on an image for a larger version of the thumbnail, from where you can then just click on the Next button to advance the slides.

Wilie Grové

January 31, 2015


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